Rex Du'Razal

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A former cleric who had his magical abilities sealed and branded as punishment for his criminal activity. Rex was conscripted into the High Elf army during the Seven Year War as an on-field trauma medic. Without any healing magic to speak of, Rex was forced to rely on his keen eye and steady hands to save lives on the battlefield. Rex and his unit were quick to adapt and learn while under fire, cauterizing wounds, stabilizing concussed soldiers, and performing on-field amputations were just some of many responsibilities. They became one the first of many non-magical surgery and trauma units. After his service, Rex traveled to Verytus where he planned to train other former, bonded clerics in surgery when the Red Plague struck the city. After seeing how Croak and Dagger rose to the occasion and beat back the infection, Rex signed on and joined their ranks some time after the Cataclysm.