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I'm Clymene, the archer for Croak and Dagger.
-Clymene's feelings on her roll on the team
Race Age Height Weight Gender Relatives Hobbies
Wood Elf 122 144 cm (4'8 1/2) 41 kg (92 lbs) Female Atalanta (Mother), Chiron (Father) Cooking, Trance-dreams, Dancing and Singing
Race Age Height Weight Hobbies
Rock Gnome ~21-23 96 cm (3'2) 4 kg (10 lbs) Shopping, Camping, Singing, Drinking
88th Clymene of Yulyu, daughter of Chiron and Atalanta
Clymene profile, Rock Gnome
Clymene as a a Rock Gnome Art
done by Greivs ( - NSFW link
Other namesThe Forgotten, Cammy (self given)
Years active1730-present
EraAge of Passage
OrganizationCroak and Dagger
Height4 ft 8 1/2 in (144 cm as an elf) 3 ft 2 in (96 cm as a gnome)
  • Chiron (father)
  • Atalanta (mother)

The 88th Clymene of Yulyu is one of the founding members of Croak and Dagger, a Wood Elf hailing from Yulyu.

Clymene's D&D Beyond Sheet


Clymene is a relatively short girl, standing at 4'8 1/2. She has amber eyes and dark green short hair thats always in a messy bedhead. Her primary clothing usually consists of a dark green camo-style tunic with a hood over brown shorts and black gloves. These are worn beneath a traveling hood of the same camo color and matching shoes. Her ears are at the side and stand about 1 foot.

As a Rock Gnome, Clymene's skin pigment has become dark purple with silverish hair and brown eyes. Her ears are still as long as normal, and her clothes just shrunk. She has begun to wear chokers featuring designs of Hera and one of Kelemvor.

Personality (Major WIP)

Clymene is usually quiet when she's in a new location, quick to study everything in sight out of curiosity. Because of this, she can seem mute unless speaking to her teammates or when someone speaks to her. She attempts to maintain an air of subservience to avoid conflict, even if she despises it. She generally accepts being insulted and mocked, usually because it's how she learned to deal with it and if it can keep her from triggering conflict, then it’d be better than the alternative, even if she disagrees with it. By the 88th Tragedy arc, the result of bottling months of this would lead to her unable to hide her anguish at times, unleashing anger and despair in uncontrolled and unfocused bursts akin to a meltdown. Afterwards, she would sink back to being quiet, but also cautious.

Despite her quiet nature, Clymene can often pretend to be jovial as well as friendly, with a soft spot for children and friends. Because of how high loyalty to family has been implemented, she originally trusted those who she considers close friends or like family. This would be seen in being more open, teasing, or helpful to others to the point of playfully teasing and trolling her friends. However, Clymene often has problems processing social situations properly and even has a problem maintaining eye contact. This has resulted in her accidentally coming across as insensitive or taking things too literal. She also has a tic of rubbing her wrists when nervous or uncomfortable. After several betrayals from people she considered close, she started to close herself off from others, distrustful of others unless they provide assistance to her team. Because of this, she can seem distant. Despite this, she has a habit of wanting to help others unless she has something she feels she needs to focus on first or even help those she may not be familiar with for reasons she can’t understand and seems to have an odd code of honor that comes across as paradoxical. This has also gave her an outlook of viewing others in a better light - believing in others more than she ever believed in herself.

Clymene can seem incredibly focused when dealing with something, or swap interests at a drop of a hat as well. Rather it's due to her past of being an introvert, to learn and try something new, or a feeling of obligation, can vary at times. This has shown with her expertise in tracking dwarves especially, as her history of intense interest in Dwarven culture and people has led to her being seen as an uncanny fascination. Despite this, she also has a tendency to freeze up and get confused when something does not go according to plan, making her seem panicked or unsure how to handle situations. Her dedication to a goal can sometimes border on tunnel vision and rather its a sense of pride or embarrassment, often tries to accomplish things by herself first. After Aileen’s words to ask for help, she has tried to work on asking for help first, but often wishes to be able to prove her worth first through experimenting, tinkering, and research.

In the past, Clymene has also shown a great interest in women, mostly preferring physically powerful and dominant types and gained crushes on the likes of Hildr and Raiah as a result to the point of trying to show off and impress. Ironically, her flirtatious nature not only backfires, but gave her the reputation of a desperate casanova wannabe. She has worked to rid herself of this reputation. She's also typically unaware of advances made her way, usually since she never had a person try to flirt with her beforehand (or so she believes). As such, she has been noticeably slow on the uptake and unsure of how to respond.

When it comes to combat, Clymene prefers sticking to the rear, trying to strategize or keep hidden while assisting her team. She views herself as the weakest of the group due to her low combat expertise as well as being only good in archery and no talent in swordsmanship or hand to hand combat. Despite trying to use her mind, rage can cloud Clymene's judgment, making her rash and impatient in an effort to end any fight as quickly as possible, which has caused friendly fire before. In the past, Clymene's lack of skill has made her consider a survival by any means approach, which resulted in her contemplating fleeing when all hope seemed lost, even at the cost of her team. While this has become less and less common, she aims to try and maintain her survival instincts and follows a rule of sense, knowing when it's impossible to win and desire to simply live. In recent missions, this slowly warped to a sense of trying to keep morale high for her team.

After exile, Clymene has begun to search for her own purpose in life. She has no clue what to do with no home to go back to, or if she’d want to return, but is willing to try and figure out what she wants for herself rather than to serve only others.

Backstory (Spoilers and Major WIP)

Born in Yulyu as daughter to Atalanta and Chiron, Clymene was said to be very unordinary. She lacked major marks that'd show hints of greatness, and even her aunt said she'd likely be a hinderence rather than a legend, but with her heart in the right place. Growing up, Clymene would show a love for cooking, novels, and the arts, writing and singing mostly despite having no talent for either. Even in school plays, she was rather average with a lot of heart, but carried by her friends. (SPOILER INFO)

When she became 113, Clymene would come out of the closet to Atalanta and Chiron, while her father approved and supported her wholeheartedly, Atalanta became distraught and revered to her as a disappointment, even punishing her by having her sister turn Clymene into a newt. Upon realizing why, her sister returned Clymene to normal and the two had a serious argument. Scared that she's done nothing but cause stress, Clymene would begin to cause self harm and hide the results with her gloves, only more surprised to hear her mother apologize for the overreaction with bloodshot eyes. Forgiving her mother, Clymene would suffer the marks of guilt, becoming more determined to show shes useful and not at all a failure. With a decent circle of friends, she would focus on speed and stamina, becoming proud of her superior agility and despite lacking the affinity for greater summoning or magic, was capable of using her tools and knowledge of nature and stealth to be capable of graduating. However, her speed, tools, and stealth were all she had - as in terms of hand to hand combat, archery, and even strategizing, she was terrible. Enough so that Atalanta didn't join in the betting pool to see if Clymene can make the top 20. Clymene passed at near the very bottom of her class, barely graduating and losing touch with her closest friends, 3 of whom would be the top 10 of her year.

At 121, shortly after her birthday, Clymene would find a letter from Craig Firebrand, one man hoping to hire people for adventures. With her love of adventuring books, a desire to see the world, prove the worth of the Wood Elves, as well as find the father of her best friend - a dwarf named Freya Brunhilde, Clymene set off, ready to see the world and improve herself!


Clymene carries three different bows: a shortbow, a longbow, and a special bow gifted to her from Elvira called The Long Night, which can envelop one in darkness, keep her stealthed, and fire psychic energy. Alongside these includes a mystic family dagger and a shortsword. She also carries 50 foot rope, menacles, a hammer, a tinderbox, torch, mess kit, waterskin, a bedroll, and a crowbar. Additionally, Clymene has a Jaeger Corp cloak, which assists her camouflage as well as invisibility. After Wintershield, Clymene would request Charles to touch up the manhole cover Aileen got her, turning it into a makeshift shield. The shield currently however, has been missing since the Fight for Mechanus. She also carries a Glutton's Fork, Hat of Vermin, and a Cap of Water Breathing.

As of the Witchlight Carnival, shes obtained a bow with the potential to charm others named after Hanali and a toy wand that shes dubbed 'Hecata's Warrior of the Forest Wand'. The wand can only use prestidigitation.

Powers and Abilities

  • Archery: Clymene's main expertise is in archery. Shes nimble and acrobatic, often able to land most shots even when in the heat of combat. She's also relatively clever and perceptive, and willing to plan ahead, but can be incapable of thinking on the fly depending on the situation. Despite being considered one of the worst archers of her class, her experience in various scenarios and battles has honed her skills, making her capable of going on even footing with Raiah.
  • Chef: Clymene is a capable cook, able to make several meals in a short time. These can range from very good to average, but her specialty is Yulyu Special: Meat and Potatoes, which is basically poutine.
  • Speed: Her claim to fame is not only in her speed - being able to sprint further than some of her team.
  • Stamina: Clymene's metabolism and stamina is often beyond ordinary, allowing her to eat large calories of food or drink more than twice her body weight in energy drinks yet withstand the effects while being able to go for days on a very limited diet of nibbling on rations. Even then, it usually takes being pushed to the brink of death for her to feel any kind of fatigue, where afterwards she'll fall asleep. She has since unlocked Tireless as a result
  • Stealth: One of Clymene's other claims to fame is to seemingly disappear in any situation. Her stealth sometimes even makes it seem as if she's hidden in plain sight, often due to her interest in whatever else catches her eye.
  • Eyesight: As a Wood Elf, Clymene's eyesight is superior to a human's, allowing her to see in the dark for up to 60 feet (18 meters).
  • Longevity: She's also very long lived, as Wood Elves can live for over 700 years, she's only the age of a young adult to her people despite being 121.
  • Resistances: Clymene also has resistance to charms and magic designed to render her unconscious or asleep. Plants capable of rendering movement is also less effective on her.
  • Trance and dreaming: Clymene also lacks the need for sleep, as a simple trance or meditation for up to four hours can replenish her as well as a full eight hours. Doing so can allow her to dream, but she prefers actual sleep as it allows her to dream easier and sometimes see the other world.
  • Telepathy: With her Long Night, Clymene is capable of speaking telepathically to others within 30 feet.
  • Magical Aptitude: Clymene is capable of allowing herself and those nearby to stand on any liquid surface, as well as set off a telepathic alarm. She can also negate poisons, create thorny terrain, conjure up a powerful wind, mute an entire area, or conjure feys to assist in combat.
  • Conjure Woodland Beings: Clymene is capable of summoning various fey-like beings. Each in pairs. These include:

Sprites Pixies Blink Dogs A Sea Hag Naiad Nereid Dryads Quicklings Satyrs Alseid Reflector

As a Rock Gnome, Clymene lost her ability of trance and speed.

  • Magical Resistance: Clymene has a minor resistance to abilities designed to attack her wisdom or mind. However, her low stats to begin with has made this almost a non-factor.
  • Tougher Skin: To Clymene, her only advantage has been her slightly tougher skin in contrast to her armor being weaker

Relationships (Major WIP)

  • Aiden Thorin

--"“I’m kind of getting concerned for Aiden… he almost got us killed by that woman. He looks angrier too - just let me know when hes about to start looking for cursed swords or something."

--"My greatest regret is losing her on my watch. I love her still and can never forgive myself... I just hope she's in a better place."

--“I should’ve fucking known by now - never again. Just treat him like any other enemy now.”

--"Atalanta, daughter of Sokrates and Kassandra died fighting the Black Blade. This woman only uses her name and face. I have nothing left now from home to try to protect or return to. But if she's going to be alive, then I'm thankful. I'll never be the daughter she wanted. And I'll never be as physically or emotionally strong as she was, as anyone is. But she taught me how to track and hunt - and that, I'll do what I can to surpass her in that."

--"I never got to say goodbye... if I could apologize to him forever, I would."

--"'Hello, hello!' Those words... I still hear them when I so much as look at a shop now... they need to go on a vacation."

  • Chiron

--"Its almost a theme at this point that anyone I loved growing up betrays me or tries to kill me... if I get even the slightest hint he's going to stab me in the back, its on sight."

--"Boss is a loud guy. But he has a lot of heart to him. The fact that despite everything I did... getting him kidnapped, being the cause of two teammates dying, nearly losing Yulyu... he hasn't given up on me when logically, he should have kicked me to the curb. I can't comprehend it, but I got to show that his trust isn't invalidated. He gave me a way out of being a sheltered and going nowhere girl afterall. Thanks d- I mean, Boss..."

--"Elvira's a soldier type, not someone I can equal to. Doesn't matter to me, she has her folks and her own job, like how I have my folks to aid."

  • Freya Brunhilde

--"Shes with Moradin and the Morndinsamman... I can't let myself remember that... just try my best to move on - still got to cremate the bodies..."

--"Their leader looks trustworthy. Same for the Warforged. Not sure about that mage they have. I don't want to let my guard down in case they're spies for the Forsaken."

"I wonder if he and Victor are dating. Nah, they’re def BBFs. Sometimes I need to see him to remind myself that not everyone we fight needs to be executed the moment we fight. Then again, he never stooped the lengths the Forsaken had in their fuck-upness - theres a difference."

  • Gilroy Jenkins

--'"Hes older than boss, but has the mouth of Marilka and the bravery that most would wish they had. Hes definetly strong though, age didn't seem to slow him down at all though."

--"He's an alright guy. Just... he's like a raven to anything that glitters like gold. Then again, ravens are highly intelligent creatures, so Gulak may know a thing or two that can be very handy. Just... don't have anything glittery."

--"Its a monkeys paw, but I get it. She just shouldn't go wanting to slaughter... I doubt she cares for me at all now. But for Marilka, I hope she retires before she does something reckless."

--"Incineryn was always quick to the burn. I don't think I had many chances to speak to her because I probably felt intimidated or so... incapable of talking to anyone... but if she taught Maribelle everything she knows, then I'm pretty damn sure she was holding back the entire time."

  • Jason

--"You used to be my best friend since we were kids. Then you do this. I won't say rot in Hades. But in the next life, be better. I'm just disappointed in all of you - I trusted you to do better for the village while I tried to find a purpose in my life. Find peace, Jason, my friend. And I'll keep the emerald as your birthday gift to me."

--"I wanted to tell him that even if nobody cares, that I forgave him... that if hes ever feeling low, to know I'm thinking for him. Dammit. Well... its one less person to worry about I guess?"

  • K'jalias

--"I want to believe he's still on our side. But if he's not... then there's no point. We'll have to kill him. But it'll hurt even more to do that..."

--“Karima’s our newest recruit? Neat! She seems like she can bring a lot of energy to the team thats needed! And I’m certain Maribelle would be happy to have someone to spar with!”

  • Laura

--"I feel like... I couldn't get her to have fun more... and even when I saved her, she dies. I felt so useless on being unable to help her and to be unable to learn about her. But, she went out in a way I would never be able to do. Like a badass."

--"He's.... deceptively canny. And hes given me so much encouragment. I like the goofball so cut him so slack, huh guys?"

--"She has this sisterly-motherly aura to her. I trust her. She's probably gonna' regret joining Clack and Mag- I mean, Croak and Dagger, but they all do before they decide to stay~."

--"He proved to me that he left the Forsaken... doesn't mean I'm trusting him, keep a close eye on him."

--"Marilka's changed- a bit. Shes still more vulgar than a child should be, but shes clearly a quick learner to flip a grown man and manage to shank him. I guess I was overreacting about my concerns on her wanting to be an Adventurer. Maribelle's a good influence- wait, Hildr's still her mom? I forgot honestly."

--"If theres two people I know I can trust, its Omerok and Maribelle. Maribelle's not the type to backstab you as much as shes the type to say to your face she plans on beating you down. Followed by actually doing it- thats why I know I can trust her."

--"What the fuck did we get into? I never heard of a flying Goliath who can punch holes in space for instant meteors! And he downed Aiden?! What can I do against that?! What... what can we do?"

--"I fucked up our date royally... I got to make it up to her somehow. I hope we can still be friends!"

"Fresh meat is pretty quick to try and help, but also very much the kind of nerd my friends and I were. I do think she can work on her speedy nature to try and help the instant things go topside, but it comes from a good place and I was the same way when I started. I just don’t want her to die as fast as she tried to join - or rather, I’d rather she leaves before things get too far. Plus, I never met a yuan-ti before so I have a lot of things I want to ask her when we get downtime."

--"Once this shit with Andol is over... I need to talk with him... hes probably one of the only few people I know I can trust."

  • Phaedara

"I… don’t know what to say. After Sam’s rant to me, as well as Vera’s talk on improving myself, I - I’m confused. I want to focus on myself and my team, but I also want to try and open up so people don't worry about me. I doubt I deserve her attention, but I… I’ll take it slow before trying anything serious. Depending on what happens with the Forsaken - I don’t want to bring more people into my life and cause them more pain. And if she ends up finding someone before I can talk - then thats actually good too..."

--"I did want to date her. But I can't compare at ALL to Aiden so it works out. They make such a cute couple! Just uh, don't tell Aiden I wanted to date her. I'd rather keep my throat."

--"Shes. So. CUTE! Sayrax is just so- KYA! Ahem. But yeah, she's so nice. I can see a bit of myself in her... a bit quiet, but also very much helpf-. Well, she's helpful. I appreciate everything she does more than I say. So if she's ever listening... thank you, Sayrax."

--“Skulks a survivor, not just a superstar. He has people waiting for him once the team bring down the Forsaken. Its beautiful seeing him get to relax for a change… he deserves it.”

--"What? You thought I was going to shittalk her? No point. I dislike how she did things. But I'm not a member of Yulyu anymore, so if she can handle it, then good luck. I can't make up for my mistakes, but since I was technically a part of my mother's plan, I'm an accompliace - I don't deserve to return to the village or see its changes for better or wose. So if she can run it and somehow make improvements that I was foolish enough to trust my own friends and family to make - then good."

--“Ygrid’s dead- no, shes- shes Kelemvor right so she was an avatar right? Shit. Her dying in Alliance territory scares me…”

Tavern Room (Hero's Rest)

Ever since she joined, Clymene preferred her tavern room over any other part of the building, leaving it locked unless she’s expecting company. Like her old room, it would have become messy and lived in, with papers and clothing (mostly socks, shorts, and tunics) scattered about. She would keep her bows and quivers under her bed while leaving her dagger under her pillow in case of emergencies. On her door would be pictures of her friends from Croak and Dagger and Yulyu, drawn to the best of her memory and added on whenever someone officially joins. Her cloaks and ponchos would dangle off the doorknob, the bookshelf, and chair near the desk. In the far side, a large mirror would sit, with a brush and comb that she seldom uses except for dances she’s been invited to or if she ever had a date.

The desk she keeps her mirror on has multiple papers and tools in each segment, from pencils to her flute. Humorously, it's the tidiest part of her entire room, with papers stacked neatly to the top left, her camouflage style eye shadow and make up kit to the bottom left, a pencil in the center, her graduation book to the bottom right, and photos of her family and friends from Yulyu to the top right. Her flute would be in front of the mirror next to her brush. The hand held mirror from Sayrax would also be in the center, kept in a case to ensure it remains fresh.

In the corner would be her bookshelf, filled with books ranging from stories to cookbooks to survival guides that were a gift from Chiron. Her short swords would rest next to the drawer, out of sight from the door. As Clymene would choose the room without a window, there would be no real source of light, being an elf, she would have her dark vision to compensate, but as a gnome, she would go by memory of where everything was if she couldn’t see in the late evening. Her closet would contain mostly her dresses, but a few changes of clothes just in case.

The restroom would be kept tidy at all times, but contains up to 16 cups around the sink, this is for her pixies and sprites if they wish to relax in the mortal realms. A bottle of bleach would be next to the bathtub for cleaning as well.

After being attacked by the Forsaken, the bookshelf would be knocked over, several deep cuts next to her bed from nightmares, and drawings of the attackers to the best of her memory hammered above the bookshelf to ensure she memorizes them. On her desk would be a series of papers for what she hopes would be her records to ensure Croak and Dagger are properly remembered.

After returning from the 88th Tragedy, Clymene would keep her room cleaner, leaving only the drawings of her attackers and stacked her books in the eastern corner of the room.

(Halfyia Pass) A Work-in-progress, the room being under the main floor serves as a womancave, she plans to bring some of the wine caskets in and serve as her private party room.


  • Clymene's primary theme songs are Wing-Stock by Ashley MacIsaac, A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley, Hallelujah-No-Okami by Brandon Yates, Faceless by Red, SLUMP (Eng. version) by Stray Kids, Children of the City by Mili, Artemis by Lindsey Stirling, and The Town Inside Me by AISHA
  • Clymene's name is of Greek origin and a good deal of her was made with Greek mythology in mind as inspiration.
  • Clymene's favorite food Poutine. Her favorite drink is a tie between Pepsi and Coca-Cola thanks to her time in the 1970s
  • As a Wood Elf, Clymene had a scent akin to pinecones
  • When imagining a voice for voicing Clymene, the closest imagined voices were either Bleach's Rukia Kuchiki or Ushiwakamaru from Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia
  • Despite her age, Clymene would be no older than a person in their early 20s in human years
  • Clymene is partially inspired by High Elf Archer from Goblin Slayer, Archer from Fate Stay/Night, and Roland from Library of Ruina. Her rock gnome design is inspired by Tristana from League of Legends.
  • By technicality, this is a third variation of Clymene, and different from original conceptual ideas from the player - originally, Clymene was the protagonist of a planned short series, reworked for D&D - and massively different in terms of backstory and personality by a wide margin
  • Out of all of Croak and Dagger, Clymene is the only one to have never referred to Caelrogh as Carlos. She has also referred to Zirildeler Keshang-Illir Lorzuden Kor by his full title as well anytime she says his name.
  • Befitting to her race, Clymene typically labels things differently, saying 'Elfinoid' in place of 'Humanoid' and yelling 'oh my Gods' instead of 'oh my God'.
  • Originally, Clymene never had a stutter outside of situations where she's flustered (usually when complimented or overjoyed), any stuttering being the result of her player having this problem. This however, has seem to stuck
  • At 3 party members, 1 boss, and ~20 goblins, Clymene has the highest kill count in one turn among the party. She also has the highest team injury rate.
  • As suggested by her rank as '88', Clymene is the 88th named Clymene in Yulyu's history
  • Clymene's Horizon uniform and occupation of choice was picked from a mix of Outis' alternate skin in Limbus Company and Danica James from the The Rift Chronicles trilogy
  • Originally, Clymene was intended to be a V-Tuber if the Horizon Arc took place more in the modern days or an accountant before it settled on police officer


The Not-Quite-A-Hero's Journey Youtube link

The Not-Quite-A-Hero's Journey Spotify link

Song Meanings (WIP)

Wing-Stock by Ashley McIsaac - Ever since Clymene’s original inception, this song was pretty much the de facto theme for her.

A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley - A song best reflecting on Clymene trying to grow up to be a better daughter. Despite the song being more of a depression to upbeat style, it ironically reverses on Clymene.

SLUMP (Eng. Ver) by Stray Kids - One of the more primary themes, it fits for Clymene’s worries that she can’t catch up with her team and how she felt more useful in the past. This was her primary theme early on in the run.

Hallelujah-no-Okami (Vocal Version) by Brandon Yates - A song I didn’t expect to fit Clymene given its origins as a what-if soundtrack for a battle. The lyrics feel like a reflection into Clymene’s thoughts between the 88th Tragedy and her general desire to be understood by someone.

Faceless by Red - More to reflect on Clymene’s feelings towards Croak & Dagger to the possible point of co-dependence, how they helped her shape a form of an identity she felt she never had compared to her past - as well as how she wishes to not lose any of them, in fear of losing a part of her

Children of the City by Mili - Possibly tied with SLUMP as the primary theme for Clymene. Whereas SLUMP is Clymene’s clinical depression on full, Children of the City is more on how she tries to fit in with others and realizing her mistakes are all she’ll be known for while the earlier portions of the song reflect on how she feels her life is a railroad where she has never had a choice until she left, and since regret it.

I Won’t Say I’m in Love from Hercules (Greek ver) - The Greek version of the song feels more fitting as Clymene slowly realizes her feelings for Aileen was akin to love at first sight. She slowly accepts that she has, but didn’t wish to say it.

Jenny by Studio Killers - Following up from the previous song, while Clymene was always awkward, her inability to do more than stay friends, wishing she can be more until it bordered obsession.

Stay With Me by Miki Matsubara and Stolen by Dashboard Confessional - The last song related to Aileen, its simply the closest she will ever get to saying shes fallen in love. A bittersweet ending to a chapter of someone’s life shes ruined, and would be haunted until the end of her journey.

War by Jeff Williams ft. Casey Lee Williams - Listened to during the battle against Jason, as fitting, the song's more tone set as Clymene viewing Jason as a former friend that she had to fight (even though she didn't really manage to do much).

Nobody Knows Him / The Hero by James Harris - While EMIYA in general is a fitting theme, this remix’s more chipper tune was originally set as Clymene’s showdown with Atalanta and her accepting the idea if she wins or dies, remembered or forgotten, that she wishes she can accomplish something by herself.

Thanks for Nothing by Dope - More an attributed song to how Clymene views Atalanta, her pedestal broken and how she despises herself for trusting her own mother. While she shouts at Atalanta, shes also cursing herself for being an idiot like her.

Warbringers: Sylvanas by Neal Acree - Originally birthed as a joke when talking on how similar Clymene felt to Sylvanas Windrunner by accident. With multiple deaths, learning of and dealing with evil deities, and being master archers with a history of recklessness or extreme judgement calls, it felt fitting for Clymene.

RISE by MADKID - With leans of never surrendering, while Clymene herself doesn't feel she can measure to her friends, she feels they rub off on her at times with their desire to help others. It also reflects on her rising from her constant failures to keep trying and look beyond them.

One-X by Three Days Grace - Set more as Clymene's views on Croak and Dagger and their heroism, her love for them and how they will rise to the occasion even if shes too terrified.

Artemis by Lindsey Stirling - A sort of book closure, a violin song to end off a violin-based opening. While Wing-Stock becomes more energetic, Artemis becomes slower near the end. With Clymene’s Greek mythology influence in tow.

The Town Inside Me by AISHA - Set for the end of the campaign, a possible closure to one of Clymene's issues on self-acceptice. She blamed herself for everything, is an exile who left home for her own purpose, and has several identity issues ranging from rather she wants to be remembered to if she can be herself without changing herself to be more like another person. In the end, she accepts herself for who she is as a Ranger- and no longer changes for anyone but herself. She can feel free and make her own choice, comfortable at last with her decisions.


Art done by Greivs ( WARNING, NSFW